August 2018 Offline Leads Meeting Notes

Attendance: Tom Junk, Herb Greenlee, Erica Snider, Katherine Lato

I. LArSoft Status including open issues.

    • LArG4 status –
      • The first stage of Phase I was deployed in v07_03_00. Phase 1 remains incomplete due to missing documentation and the AuxDet module.
        • The short term need for the AuxDet subsystem will depend on the state of on-going developments in MicroBooNE. If not needed, then the first stage will meet the needs of MicroBooNE for MCC9
        • We do not know how long it will take to produce the documentation given the absence of Hans Wenzel, who is away through mid-September.
      • Work on Phase 2 is proceeding — abstracting the anode region simulation and handling of “S2” light generated in the dual-phase electron extraction and amplification region.
        • The S2 light work is almost completed.
        • Erica Snider met with Christoph Alt, Bea Oregui and Paul Russo to refine the design and interfaces for the anode region abstraction. The new design will accommodate dual-phase, single-phase and pixel detector workflows as configurable elements without encumbering any detector with features or elements not essential for that detector. Some interface work has already been completed.
        • Noted that the on-going Wire-Cell based electron drift and signal induction models will need to be adapted in the move to Phase II. No change is needed for Phase I.
    • DUNE timestamp – closed
    • GitHub and licensing. Have redmine issue for licensing (so that’s closed)– [After the meeting:  For GitHub, migrating repositories, what about wiki pages and issues? May want a division level solution on this, not just LArSoft, so management will raise this including having a presentation from CMS about how they use GitHub. Need to understand the high level workflow. This issue is beyond just LArSoft, so we won’t be tracking it here.[] Closed.
    • Large detector strategy – asking DUNE to start thinking about this. Have ideas for solution, mainly dealing with small parts of the detector at a time. LArSoft wants to be included in ongoing discussions about this by DUNE, or other experiments.
    • 3D pattern recognition – had meeting. Working on a google document to outline agenda for a meeting
    • S2 light simulation –
      • Paul Russo provided update at SciSoft meeting on Monday. Bea is working on some photon library issues (among them, a bug introduced by MicroBooNE). Christoph Alt also working on it. All immediate questions are answered, so just working on code.

II. Discussion of larsim to lardetsim sign-off – no issues raised at the meeting. If people don’t check in private code, they’ll have to run scripts.

III. We asked for comments on:

  1. New policy for merging code & migration to pull-request system – Want to move to pull-requests as part of migrating to GitHub with the experiments being responsible for their own pull-requests. This provides administrative control when someone makes a pull-request. If the CI test fails, they have to deal with it before it is merged. Each experiment needs to have a set of people who handle the pull requests. Asking each experiment to discuss this and let us know if there are any objections.
  2. Plan of each experiment for monitoring the CI system for error reports, and responding to those errors with corrective actions. DUNE has a person. MicroBooNE is thinking about it.

IV. Round Robin sharing, including input to 2019 priorities

  1. ProtoDUNE may soon have stuff they need.
  2. MicroBooNE is interested in maintaining stability to process large volumes of data without infrastructure or interface changes.
    • Question about multi-threading. Plan for 2018 is to make our services thread safe and demonstrate scaling in a test job. Mike Wang is working on this.
    • Priority for 2019 — The build system issues on OSX need to be solved. A critical issue for code development at ICARUS, and has caused several people to stop developing. In advance of a full Spack/SpackDev-based solution, strongly recommends that we address the problem with the install and cmake stages. If not possible, then we should raise the priority of Spack/SpackDev development.
    • A new event display is also a high priority

Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.