Material, including videos, from the 6th UK LArTPC Software and Analysis workshop in November 2021 is available at:
Thanks to Dom Brailsford and Andrzej Szelc for sharing this information with the LArSoft community.
This informal workshop was intended for LArTPC Software/Analysis beginners (mostly PhD students and post-docs). The aim was for new collaborators on LArTPC experiments to become familiar with the software and analysis tools commonly available to experiments such as MicroBooNE, SBND, DUNE, protoDUNE and ICARUS. The workshop was held in a hybrid mode at the University of Edinburgh and online.
To access the material for any session, go to the detailed view and click on the paperclip (for materials). Then click on whether you want to see the video, or just look at the material. (The video shows the slides.)
Topics include: Fermilab computing, workplace setup, simulation, scintillation photons, Pandora (introduction, running the reconstruction, visualizing, outputs), LArSoft analyzer, using your analyzer for analysis, deep learning.