- Note: LArSoft is designed to be run by experiments, so it is not possible to set up LArSoft without setting up LArSoft for a specific experiment. You do this via the setup guide for your experiment.(
- The core LArSoft code lives in a set of git repositories maintained by the LArSoft core team. Can view the code organization at
- If you do not have code changes to LArSoft code itself, you may just set up the appropriate products and a Fermilab Hierarchical Configuration Language (FHiCL) file, ends in .fcl
To set up and run LArSoft, the user:
- Runs a setup script
a) Source <experiment specific script>
b) This tells UPS where to find the programs needed like UPS itself, git, MRB, ROOT, and LArSoft. A UPS product is a software package set up and distributed via UPS, Unix Product Support. Each UPS product is entirely self-contained, aside from dependencies.
c) Specific example for SBND:
i) using CVMFS: source/cvmfs/
ii) using a local UPS database /path/to/products filled with pullProducts:
source /path/to/products/setup
export MRB_PROJECT=larsoft
setup mrb
Specific example for DUNE:
source /grid/fermiapp/products/dune/
Can find links to all LArSoft Collaboration experiments at: - Creates a new development area. This creates a number of subdirectories.
mkdir <working_dir> #Do not use your home directory, as the libraries you build can get large.
cd <working_dir>
mrb newDev or mrb n
# May need to specific the version and qualified unless larsoft product is set up.
mrb newDev -v <version> -q <qualifiers>
# Can find out the larsoft releases
ups list -aK+ larsoft
# May want to just make the products area (checks that src, build are already there)
mrb newDev -p
Can see mrb newDev options at: - Sets up a LArSoft release – Can be Integration or Production.
setup larsoft vXXX -q e15:<prof|debug> - Sets up local products
source localProducts_larsoft_vxx_xx_xx_ex_prof/setup - Checks out code from repository
mrb gitCheckout <code>
This will get the code from current development head. If you want code with a different version of LArSoft, use -t with mrb g
mrb g -t LARSOFT_SUITE_vxx_xx_xx <code>
mrb g larsoft_suite
mrb g larsoftAlg_suite - Builds and tests the code, all commands must be run in the same shell.
mrbsetenv #set up development environment
mrb b (build) -jN #N is number of parallel build streams
mrb z (zapBuild) #to get rid of what you just built
mrb t (test) [jN] #run buildtool with test, all commands must be run in the same shell
May need to fix code, rebuild, retest. - Once the code works as expected, publish it to a feature branch.
A simple view
- mkdir my_larsoft
- source <experiment_setup_script>
- cd my_larsoft/
- mrb newDev -vvxx_xx_xx -q <e15:debug>
- source localProducts_larsoft_vxx_xx_xx_ex_prof/setup
- mrb g larsoft_suite
- mrb g larsoftAlg_suite
- mrbsetenv
- mrb b -jN
- mrb t -jN