LArSoft Groups

There are several groups important to LArSoft Collaboration that hold regular meetings.

Coordination Group

The group of people who attend the Coordination Meetings which occur biweekly on Tuesday mornings. The coordination group uses the mail list with meeting slides recorded in Indico. Decisions about the content of releases and information useful to users and developers of LArSoft are discussed at regular Coordination meetings.

Contributions to LArSoft are proposed at this meeting. Contributions are presented for feedback and signoff at this meeting. These meetings are attended by all interested parties from the larsoft community. The Coordination Group has responsibility to take decisions that can be made through consensus across the experiments and contributing projects. Organizations have the authority to take decisions internally if they only affect that organization without impact on anything outside. 

Ownership of  a piece of code or module, which is recorded in the LArSoft github wiki and  software repositories will transition over time.  The Coordination Group identifies and obtains agreement with individuals and organizations to which responsibility is assigned and/or will be transitioned. In cases where the Coordination group is unable to find someone to take on this responsibility they will bring this to the Steering Group for resolution. 

Architecture Group (now SciSoft group)

The LArSoft collaboration architecture group has the responsibility for maintaining knowledge, documentation and adherence to the LArSoft software architecture and the principles that drive its design and implementation. The architecture includes the definition of the LArSoft data products, components, interfaces and workflows. These responsibilities have been folded into the SciSoft group which meets weekly.

Changes to the architecture may be proposed to this group or come from within this group. Proposed changes are discussed and refined before they are presented to the Coordination Group for endorsement. The SciSoft group uses the mail list

Offline Leads

(Used to be called Software and Computing Coordinators Group)

The Software and Computing coordinators of the experiments meet with the LArSoft project lead, Erica Snider,  to review and revise status and changes to the implementation goals of the collaboration including capabilities, milestones and priorities. Discussion at these meetings include direction and priority among the various projects, technical issues that affect multiple experiments, policy issues that may arise from time to time, etc. The outcomes of this group are presented to the Steering Group for endorsement. The group meets as needed and uses the mail list

Steering Group

The Steering Group includes the spokespeople of the experiments as well as representatives from Fermilab’s Scientific Computing and Neutrino Divisions. The Steering Group has the authority and the responsibility to make policy decisions and set the overall direction for the Collaboration. They also endorse decisions that affect the entire Collaboration made by the Coordination Group or the LArSoft team. The Steering Group meets as needed and uses the mail list with meeting slides recorded in Indico.