larana |
secondary reconstruction/analysis e.g. PID |
larbatch |
Batch submission and workflow tools for LAr experiments |
larcore |
low level utilities, functions and geometry |
larcorealg |
core algorithms shared between larsoft and art-independent frameworks such as gallery, larlite, etc. |
larcoreobj |
data products for geometry and core utilities that are shared between larsoft and art-independent frameworks |
lardata |
data products and other common data structures |
lardataalg |
algorithms shared between larsoft and art-independent frameworks such as gallery, larlite, etc. |
lardataobj |
common data products for reconstruction, analysis, etc shared between larsoft and art-independent frameworks |
larevt |
low level algorithm code that use data products |
lareventdisplay |
LArSoft based event display |
larexamples |
examples of writing algorithms, data products, etc. |
larpandora |
LArSoft interface to the pandora reconstruction package |
larpandoracontent |
algorithms and tools for LAr TPC event reconstruction |
larreco |
primary reconstruction |
larsim |
simulation code |
larsoft |
umbrella product which is used to setup all the individual larsoft products |
larsoftobj |
LArSoftObj is the umbrella that allows you to set up all the individual lar*obj and lar*alg |
larutils |
LArSoft user utility scripts |
larwirecell |
interface to the Wire Cell Toolkit |