The July 2018 LArSoft Offline Leads status update was handled via email and a google document.
LArSoft – Erica Snider
- LArG4 re-factoring update — The current plan as of 7/20/18 is to stage the LArG4 re-factoring in two major steps, targeting the first to be released in a v07 release candidate during the week of July 30. This release will have all major features except for AuxDet support. The second major candidate release update will include support for AuxDet’s as well. The first v07 release will be cut after appropriate testing, and completion of necessary documentation on a schedule to be determined later. This will complete phase I of the LArG4 re-factoring project. Notably, the handling of S2 light, which is formally part of phase II, may be included in the first v07 release.
- DUNE timestamp request from Tom Junk – There were no objections in principle at the last Offline Leads meeting. Tom Junk presented Timestamp Data Product Proposal at the July 3rd Coordination meeting. LArSoft Collaboration approved addition of new data product for experiment-defined time-stamps, Branch: lardataobj feature/trj_rawdata_timestamp_june2018
- GitHub and licensing — discussed at the June Offline Leads meeting.
- GitHub: The project has started to investigate the cost / benefit of migrating to GitHub, and will decide whether to make a proposal in the coming months.
- Licensing: LArSoft will propose putting the core LArSoft code (everything in the lar* repositories) under the Apache License V2.
- Strategy for dealing with large detectors – deferred last month since DUNE wasn’t at the meeting.
- 3D pattern recognition.
- LArSoft would like agreement on a common representation for pixel data versus reconstructed 3D space-points from wires. The project is organizing a meeting in early August with interested parties to discuss whether and how to move forward with collaborating on a common foundation for direct sharing of 3D algorithms between pixel and detectors with wire readouts.
- S2 light simulation
- The project met on June 19th with members of DUNE, Geant4 and LArSoft teams (Jose alfonso Soto, Christoph Alt, Michel Sorel, Beatriz Tapia Oregui, Paul Russo, Hans-Joachim Wenzel and Erica Snider) to discuss how to deal with the S2 light generated in the gaseous volume in dual phase TPCs.
- DUNE noted that although there is more than an order of magnitude more S2 light than S1 light, the modeling need not be highly detailed.
- The generation of this light is entangled with the electron drift model. We agreed on a basic workflow design that accommodates SP and DP detectors, avoids the use case of single photon propagation for S2 light, provides for detector-specific anode simulations, and minimizes the amount of new code that needs to be written. We further agreed on a careful review of the necessary interfaces before finalizing the design. The timescale for this work is still under discussion, but has started.
DUNE – Andrew John Norman, Heidi Schellman, Tingjun Yang
ProtoDUNE has switched to use tool-based dataprep code (issue #20303).
TrajCluster is being restructured to run 3D slicing first and then run cluster reconstruction on each slice. This helps improve the speed to reconstruct events with lots of cosmic ray muons (ProtoDUNE and MicroBooNE). There was a presentation at the July 31 LArsoft coordination meeting on this.
ICARUS – Daniele Gibin, (Tracy Usher)
In preparation for MCC1 which hopes to launch the first full week of August. Toward that end have integrated pandora, have generated a new photon library (with updated geometry), have included the CRT into the simulation, have developed a coherent noise model which should represent what has been observed with tests of the new (warm) electronics at CERN, etc. We seem to still be not fully operational with POMS and current plans are to use for MCC1 unless a solution to what appear to be ICARUS only problems can be solved. MCC1 will consist not only of single particle samples similar to what has been generated previously but also aims to generate of order 100k BNB + cosmic events. This will probably tax our current resources (jobs, disk space, tape, etc.) but need to find out sooner than later!
Looking forward, the next big task for the geometry will be the splitting of the horizontal wires into two halves, we are not sure what impact this has on LArSoft but expect things to break when this happens.
LArIAT – Jonathan Asaadi
No Report
MicroBooNE – Herbert Greenlee, Tracy Usher
All updates from MicroBooNE’s MCC8 campaign have been merged to the develop branch (both larsoft proper as well as uboonecode).
The current focus of MicroBooNE’s development on the develop branch is integrating code for a future MCC9 production campaign. This will most likely make use of the the “MicroBooNE LArG4 refactoring” (as opposed to the official larsoft LArG4 refactoring). A major subfocus is integrating wire cell simulation, which replaces the electron drift model of the old LArG4 simulation. In principle, this impacts larsoft via the larwirecell package. We know for sure that there will need to be a new version (v0_8) of the wirecell external product (current version v0_7_0a).
The monolithic uboonecode repository was recently split into ten repositories (the “uboone suite” now consists of 13 packages/repositories). This impacts larsoft minimally only to the extent that uboonecode is included in larsoft test builds.
MicroBooNE is beginning to think about SLF7 migration. We have a ticket open requesting SLF7 build and login gpvm nodes.
SBND – Roxanne Guenette, Andrzej Szelc
No Report
Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.