The May 2019 LArSoft Offline Leads status update was handled via email and a google document.
LArSoft – Erica Snider
- Planning for the LArSoft Workshop 2019 is nearly complete. The agenda and speakers can be found on indico here:
- A “minimally viable” Spack/SpaceDev-based build and development environment for LArSoft is under initial testing within the SciSoft team. The purpose of the current product is to provide sufficient functionality to allow meaningful testing and feedback on Spack and SpackDev. The plan is to distribute this version for testing and comment from the experiments once sufficient documentation and fixes for known bugs are available.
- LArSoft has been asked to upgrade to python 3 which requires dropping SLF6. Seeking feedback from experiments and users.
DUNE – Andrew John Norman, Heidi Schellman, Tingjun Yang, Michael Kirby
- No Report
ICARUS – Daniele Gibin, (Tracy Usher)
- Experience with running our last MC challenge exposed some issues with memory and cpu time for simulation and reconstruction of events. Primarily this is in the TPC reconstruction but there are also problems in the PMT simulation/reconstruction (primarily associated with the photon lookup library) and the CRT. Work has been underway to try to address issues with the TPC reconstruction first and this has led to a new workflow for both simulation and reconstruction where the signal processing is broken into groups by TPC (there are four TPCs in ICARUS) and then pattern recognition is done by Cryostat (there are two cryostats in ICARUS). The detector simulation then changes to output four collections of RawDigits, one per TPC and this is meant to emulate what the DAQ folks tell us they will do when we begin data taking.
This breakup should enable the ability for some amount of parallelization of the processing, also with each instance of a particular processing module using less memory.
In addition to this, there is also effort underway to reformat some of the signal processing modules to allow for vectorization techniques now available (or soon to be available?) in art. We hope to be in a position to test soon.
- Recent improvements to the photon lookup library have led to an explosion in the memory requirements once read back from a disk file, at last check taking some 6.5 GB of memory. This library is not only more detailed but extends now to both Cryostats. Gianluca Petrillo has implemented some code in LArSoft which will try to make use of symmetries in the library to reduce memory, but this needs to be tested. If this cannot make a significant reduction then it will be necessary to look at alternatives.
- The BNL team is starting preliminary effort to port the WireCell toolkit to ICARUS for simulation and noise filter/2D deconvolution. Currently targeting integration in time for commissioning.
- Finally… there is significant effort in developing machine learning techniques for 3D reconstruction using ICARUS as the current target platform. Toward that end the current LArSoft workflow produces 3D SpacePoints (using “Cluster3D”) which are then siphoned off into the deep learning effort’s workflows using a new version of the LArCV package (now LArCV3). It would be highly useful if this were an “official” LArSoft package, importantly including proper makefile set up to enable builds in the standard LArSoft framework (e.g. using mrb).
LArIAT – Jonathan Asaadi
- No Report
MicroBooNE – Herbert Greenlee, Tracy Usher
- No Report
SBND – Roxanne Guenette, Andrzej Szelc
- No Report
Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.