There is a forum outside of Fermilab, hosted by the University of Manchester, to discuss LArTPC software. This forum, called, has been in existence for several years. Andrzej Szelc administers the site with the help of several moderators. These moderators are experienced users of LArSoft and are part of the LArSoft Collaboration. Please consider adding your suggestions to the various topics such as:
- LArSoft 101 – for people new to LArSoft to ask questions
- Tips, Tricks and HowTos – code snippets, tricks, workarounds that may be useful to others
- Discussion of Algorithms – HitFinding, Clustering, Vertexing, Showering, Tracking
- LArIAT – specific to LArIATSoft
- The Valley of Despair – A place to signal the malfunctioning of modules, services or LArSoft in general.
Redmine is a web-based software project management application which includes a documentation wiki. Erica Snider and Katherine Lato continue to update the LArSoft Redmine pages, starting from the main page and going through all lower-level items. Ones of interest include:
- main wiki page
- links to experiment-specific quick start guides
- guidelines on writing and using algorithms
- guidelines on writing and using services
There will be regular notes about issues of interest to LArSoft developers and users. Please contact if you have suggestions about what to include or if you have feedback.