The January 2024 LArSoft Offline Leads status update was handled via email and a google document.
LArSoft – Erica Snider
- Work is proceeding to accelerate DUNE physics processing using GPUs for select LArSoft algorithms, starting with the PDFastSimPAR module. The plan is to first optimize serial execution, then parallelize on CPUs, and if needed to achieve performance goals, parallelize on GPUs. There will be update reports at both LArSoft Coordination Meeting and within DUNE FD reco group this month.
- A new machine learning algorithm, NuGraph2, is available within LArSoft. The algorithm performs hit classification and clustering using a GNN, and is being developed for use in MicroBooNE, and will be used in ICARUS later. Details were discussed at the Dec 12 LCM. Documentation on the algorithm and how to use it will be posted to in coming weeks.
- A Spack build of LArSoft became available last month. SciSoft is planning to provide a tutorial on how to build experiment code under Spack using this new release. Experiments wishing to participate will need to use machines under AL9 to run the builds.
- Geometry re-factoring: working on completing documentation, the last step needed prior to releasing it as a LArSoft v10 release candidate for experiment validation.
DUNE – Heidi Schellman, Tingjun Yang, Tom Junk
DUNE will start work this period on the Spack migration now that the LArSoft Spack build was made available. We have already been in contact with Steve White, Marc Mengel, Patrick Gartung and Kyle Knoepfel on the subject. We will need to keep SL7 build nodes and interactive nodes as long as possible – there have been proposals to shut them down in March but we would like them longer. We also are attending the container task force meetings and have a container that works for builds and will test the current worker node container again.
LArSoft comment: The project pushed back on the original March 20 suggestion, and SCF Dept Head agreed to allow at least some build nodes to remain up beyond that date. A suggested compromise shutdown date is mid-May. LArSoft (tentatively) responded that this would be acceptable. EOL is end of June.
ICARUS – Daniele Gibin, Tracy Usher
No Report
LArIAT – Jonathan Asaadi
No Report
MicroBooNE – Herbert Greenlee
No Report
SBND – Andrzej Szelc
No Report
SBN Data/Infrastructure – Steven J. Gardiner, Giuseppe B. Cerati
No Report
Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.