May 2021 Meeting Notes

This Offline Leads status update was handled via email and a google document.

LArSoft – Erica Snider

  • The previously proposed rollback of hdf5 package will not be necessary. We have the required e20 builds, which required patches to an externally supported package. Thank you to those who followed up with testing the rollback.
  • The migration to art 3.09 is in progress, and is expected to be completed by mid-May. This new version comes with three associated changes:  
    • e20 as the default build qualifier 
    •  new version of root that addresses a problem reading certain files (issue #25615). This version of art is also compatible with cet_modules, and will enable the first phase of migration to the Spack-based build system
    • Tensorflow v2.3
  • SBN previously requested assistance and possibly a tutorial on profiling tools and techniques. The SciSoft team is prepared to provide this assistance. SBN should make a specific request via the Offline Leads Meeting, or Redmine issue ticket
  • Update on the status of memory footprint increase reported by DUNE:  Tom Junk reported some progress on the DUNE side. There has been no further progress to report from the LArSoft side. Kyle Knoepfel is tasked with following up.
  • The project has no progress to report on geometry extensions for pixel detectors

DUNE – Andrew John Norman, Heidi Schellman, Tingjun Yang, Michael Kirby

dunepdsprce, dune-raw-data and dunetpc have been compiled and tested with e20.  It took a little maintenance as data read-in methods sometimes involved creating pointers to elements packed structures complaining about possible unaligned data; e20 emits a warning with these.  All fixed, though if someday in the future 32-bit objects get padded unless we say packed, we could be in for more maintenance.  Tom’s progress with the memory footprint issue consisted of identifying software components that take more memory in larsoft v09_16_00 as compared with v09_15_00, and a lot of it seems to be what ROOT loads with it.

ICARUS – Daniele Gibin, Tracy Usher

No Report

LArIAT – Jonathan Asaadi

No Report

MicroBooNE – Herbert Greenlee

No Report

SBND – Andrzej Szelc

No Report

SBN Data/Infrastructure – Joseph Zennamo, Wesley Ketchum

From email: We have opened a request for a profiling tutorial for SBN developers:

Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.