Attendance: Erica Snider, Tom Junk, Katherine Lato
- LArSoft Status including open issues.
- Comment on GitHub migration: no progress during past weeks. SCD planning a meeting with CMS to discuss this migration with several experiments.
- 3D workshop status
- Planning a follow-up meeting to discuss common data layer concepts needed to interface arbitrary 3D PR algorithms and 3D imaging algorithms
- Update on event display
- Paul Russo will be looking into some of the options for the technology to use to replace the LArSoft event display.
- Tom noted that there are lots of little things that are bothersome in the current Event Display.
- LArG4 update
- Documentation – Hans is providing examples of fhicl files, gdml files
- AuxDet Module hasn’t been put into the event stream yet, but shouldn’t take long
- He plans on presenting at the Oct. 23rd LArSoft Coordination meeting.
- Need to make decision on how to re-architect the handling of LAr material properties (which has major implications for LArProperties and Geometry services). Note, this is part of phase 3.
- Round Robin sharing.
- DUNE –
- art 3 is of interest. LArSoft has a list of changes for art 3, under breaking changes.
- Two scenarios involve taking data with long waveforms. (1) SN data stream, where data blocks can last ~30 sec. (2) Low frequency noise studies where data blocks are ~100k ticks long. This is an issue because raw digits use a short to define the number of ticks in the waveform. Both of these scenarios exceed the 65k limit. Case (2) can be solved using DAQ data structures, since this is a limited study that is not likely to be repeated (Tom believes. Dave Evans is the requester here). Case (1) will require some mechanism for triggering on the streaming data, then defining events that are ~30 sec long, then micro-triggering to produce events that fit within the existing raw digit format. Also discussed a third case, that of proton decay searches, but those will define three or four drift window events from the continuous stream. Conclusion is that no request for a change is requested, so this is not yet a LArSoft issue.
- From Andrzej (last month’s meeting notes): UK groups will run a LArSoft workshop in Manchester, 10/31-11/2, which is geared up to get people started in LArSoft and basic reconstruction.
- DUNE –
- Input on priorities for 2019 LArSoft workplan.
- Please let us know by mid-November if you have any specific items you’d like LArSoft to consider for 2019 workplan.
Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.