September 2018 Offline Leads Meeting Notes

The September 2018 LArSoft Offline Leads status update was handled via email and a google document.

LArSoft – Erica Snider

  • Working to develop a plan for migration to GitHub and pull requests. Will be seeking input from CMS on their experience with this exercise, and will continue discussing ongoing plans and concerns with the offline leads. The timescale for the migration is open for the time being.
  • The LArSoft team has developed a draft interim error handling policy based on the use of the art::Exception class. The current draft is interim pending an update to the art exception wiki page.
  • LArSoft met with various 3D pattern recognition stakeholders to discuss how to proceed with creating a common interface layer into 3D pattern recognition algorithms, and other topics of common interest to 3D reconstruction in LAr and GAr TPCs. A working outline agenda for a workshop can be found in
  • The LArSoft team has started a survey of products and technologies that are candidates to replace the event display.

DUNE – Andrew John Norman, Heidi Schellman, Tingjun Yang

ProtoDUNE has started analyzing real data from the detector. The noise level is very low (4-5 ADCs) which leads to very high signal-to-noise ratio. Clean tracks are visible and successfully reconstructed by the Pandora and PMA algorithms. At this moment, the electron lifetime is around 100 us and increasing. The current focus on reconstruction is noise filtering and signal processing.  

ICARUS – Daniele Gibin, Tracy Usher

ICARUS has successfully launched its first Monte Carlo Challenge (dubbed MCC1) this past month and is beginning to digest the output. This is the first production run by ICARUS that includes TPC, PMT and CRT simulation and reconstruction. The production running is still working with but we are hoping to be converted to the full POMS system within a few weeks (initial tests start this week). The hope is to get converted to POMS, digest the current production running with the eye to understanding the primary issues and to work to get those fixed through the fall and early winter, then to ramp up for the next challenge in the early winter which will have the goal of being “physics capable”.

LArIAT – Jonathan Asaadi

No Report

MicroBooNE – Herbert Greenlee, Tracy Usher

MCC9 is currently in development, Large data and MC production planned to start around December of 2018, with smaller test sample production before then. There is no final decision yet whether MicroBooNE will switch to the new style LArG4 refactoring. Before that can happen, there has to be a way to simulate CRT aux detectors.  There is no MCC9 production branch yet, and we haven’t decided when or whether to create an MCC9 branch off of develop. A major breaking change, such as migration to art 3.x could trigger the creation of a production branch.  MicroBooNE would prefer that such a major breaking change not happen soon.

SBND – Roxanne Guenette, Andrzej Szelc

SBND has, as of last week implemented the Space Charge simulation (thanks Arbin Timilsina), first tests are ongoing. We plan to transition our production system to POMS, and launch a quick production in mid October to test that infrastructure. We are also looking into plugging in analytical method of predicting light signals, which could speed up the simulation and lower the need for lookup libraries.

Non-SBND: UK groups will run a LArSoft workshop in Manchester, 10/31-11/2, which is geared up to get people started in LArSoft and basic reconstruction.

Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.