Offline Leads meeting – July 15th, 2021
Attendees: Miquel Nebot-Guinot, Andrzej Szelc, Wesley Ketchum, Tom Junk, Erica Snider, Katherine Lato
- Working on making services that access the database use the caching system. (What Kyle Knoepfel presented at the LArSoft Coordination Meeting in November, 2020.)
- Have been working through issues related to art 3.09 migration.
- Recently resolved two root issues. One still being tested.
- Takes time to iterate on issues in the product stack
- Expect to be completed soon.
- First phase of SPACK migration requires art 3.09, and expect will follow relatively quickly after migration to art 3.09. This phase will be compatible with UPS and mrb, so will not require major changes in how we do things.
Round Robin:
- SBN Data/Infrastructure (Wes, Miquel)
- Need to think about the online systems for SBN. We use UPS local products, and run two environments — one on the DAQ side so more real-time/online, the other on data quality so more like offline. We need to get experience with this for the Spack transition, but nothing appears to be outside current methods. The way we do stuff in the online system mirrors what is done in the offline.
- Looking to freeze the code and get things in order for the next few months. It is advantageous to us to have the new build as soon as possible. ICARUS major physics run in fall. Hoping to get frozen the pieces for the ICARUS data reconstruction. When we freeze the code, we’re going to want to optimize it. May reach out for help on profiling. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks, we’ll have code that does what we want and will have dedicated time for optimizing. This will be our general pattern moving forward: freeze functional production code, dedicated time for optimization
- SBND: (Andrzej) Getting ready to move to new Geant4 framework. Made a module to take the CRT output from the new way (SimAuxDetHits) to the old (SimAuxDetChannels)? The module takes hits and packages them as channels. Two objects that are effectively identical. Is this something LArSoft would be interested in?
- Erica: Contributing that to LArSoft would be good.
- Andrzej: Will let Ivan know to get in touch with LArSoft.
- DUNE: (Tom)
- Been working on chopping DUNE TPC into pieces because the builds are slow. Chopped into smaller pieces by taking directories out and assigning them to UPS products. Not too different from how LArSoft arranges things. Wrote a script to do the chopping since code changes while working on the split. One issue, the FHiCL files don’t factor as easily as the code because they are included often and include many other files. The FHiCL files can depend on things not there in the code dependency tree, so if I put a file higher on the tree, it depends on things that aren’t there. Can get around this by setting up the whole tree, but then it’s just like dunetpc now. For LArSoft, can people set up subsets or must they run the whole thing?
- Erica: LArSoft depends on having experiment code — no native detector, for instance, so can’t run anything outside the context of an experiment. Doing an integration type test therefore requires a lot of repositories. I would expect to set up everything to do integration tests. For unit tests, the repositories should be stand-alone if done correctly.. Mrb test runs unit tests at build time on one repository at a time. Historically, there were integration tests (so full art workflows) put in the unit test part. As an aside, would encourage DUNE to strip all that out, put all integration tests into CI workflows. Can define many workflows there if don’t want them all to be run automatically. Then make sure all unit tests are stand-alone, so testable one repository at a time with ‘mrb test’.
- David Adams gave a talk yesterday. Again advocated structuring around art tools
- LArSoft MT work is de-servicing as much as we can, since at least some of the current services don’t need to be (e.g., (things where there is no need for global scope). Really just there to take advantage of art state transitions
- State transitions can be handled at module scope with tools in many cases.
- Noted that ProtoDUNE pulls event data from a DB. Beam configuration is at the spill level (where a spill is ~15 sec long). Need to optimize DB access for these cases.
- Discussed FHiCL structures again w/in context of re-factoring repositories. Long discussion about trade-offs of aggregating configuration versus layering, shortcomings of the current scheme, other ways to organize the layering, the utility of base configurations,… Difficult to summarize, and no clear conclusions.
- Noted that since https access to Redmine repositories has been removed, many collaborations who want to develop code (international developers in particular) can no longer check out DUNE code.
- So want to deploy to GitHub.
- Wes noted SBN was happy with move to GitHub and use of pull requests. Resulting in better and more stable code. Having pull request mechanism in place is helping to improve the quality and stability of the code. They are starting to do code reviews as the code comes in. Erica echoed similar situation for LArSoft. Particularly good that with pull requests, LArSoft is able to test the code before merging. Tom not sure DUNE has the effort available.
- Wes commented that there are instructions on Redmine for how to set up a mirror on GitHub,
- Also a discussion of factoring along functional versus detector axes. DUNE has a lot of detectors, so much of the organization is along detector lines. A lot of the code is detector-specific. Can’t use ProtoDUNE code for DUNE FD.
- Wes offered to share examples of using two detectors — SBND and ICARUS with common SBN underneath. Driven by how people work. Have two collaborations working together, though, which may not fit the DUNE model as well.
- Been working on chopping DUNE TPC into pieces because the builds are slow. Chopped into smaller pieces by taking directories out and assigning them to UPS products. Not too different from how LArSoft arranges things. Wrote a script to do the chopping since code changes while working on the split. One issue, the FHiCL files don’t factor as easily as the code because they are included often and include many other files. The FHiCL files can depend on things not there in the code dependency tree, so if I put a file higher on the tree, it depends on things that aren’t there. Can get around this by setting up the whole tree, but then it’s just like dunetpc now. For LArSoft, can people set up subsets or must they run the whole thing?
Please email Katherine Lato or Erica Snider for any corrections or additions to these notes.